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Official Journal of the Italian Society of Orthopaedics and Traumatology

Table 1 Characteristics of patients receiving closed reduction attempts for hip posterior fracture-dislocation at our ED (2009–2019)

From: A retrospective study of hip posterior fracture-dislocation: closed reduction at the emergency department or in the operation theater?

Case number


Age (mean + SD) years

34.52 (SD 14.81)

Sex (%)


46 (83.6%)


9 (16.4%)

ISS (mean + SD)

11.91 (SD 6.09)

NISS (mean + SD)

19.18 (SD 6.95)

BMI (mean + SD)

27.23 (SD 5.67)

Injury mechanism (%)

 MVA, motorcycle

44 (80.0%)

 MVA, car

10 (18.2%)

 Fall from height

1 (1.8%)

Marginal impaction (%)

18 (32.7%)

Associated femoral head fracture (%)

23 (41.8%)

Posterior wall fragment size (%, mean + SD)

33.43 (SD 19.60)

Time to first closed reduction attempt (h, mean + SD)

2.82 (SD 1.70)

Time to reduction (h, mean + SD)

3.81 (SD 3.34)

  1. ISS injury severity score, NISS new injury severity score, BMI body mass index, MVA motor vehicle accident, ED emergency department, SD standard deviation. Posterior wall fragment size was based on Moed’s method