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Official Journal of the Italian Society of Orthopaedics and Traumatology

Table 3 Summary of the main clinical and functional results at 3 years of follow-up

From: Arthroscopic remplissage is safe and effective: clinical and magnetic resonance results at a minimum 3 years of follow-up

Study population


No. of patients (no. of shoulders)

13 (14)

CMS: 0–100 points

87.36 (± 5.37)

ASES: 0–100 points

97.50 [87.25–100.00]

Walch–Duplay: 0–100 points

95.00 [80.00–100.00]

ROM ABD, degrees

166.3 (± 12.16)

ROM FWF, degrees

175.00 [162.50–180.00]

Strength ABD, lbs

18.08 (± 4.44)

  1. Data are reported as mean (± SD), median [Q1–Q3], or frequency/ratio. ABD abduction, ASES American Shoulder and Elbow Surgeons Score, CMS Constant–Murley Score, FWF forward flexion, lbs pounds, Q1 first quartile, Q3 third quartile, ROM range of motion; SD standard deviation