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Official Journal of the Italian Society of Orthopaedics and Traumatology

Table 3 MRI evaluation of repair tissue 1–2 years and 10 years after ACI implantation

From: Long-term clinical results and MRI changes after autologous chondrocyte implantation in the knee of young and active middle aged patients


First follow-up

Last follow-up

1. Degree of defect repair and filling of the defect


2/10 (20 %)

2/10 (20 %)


4/10 (40 %)

4/10 (40 %)


  >50 % of the adjacent cartilage

3/10 (30 %)

0/10 (0 %)

  <50 % of the adjacent cartilage

0/10 (0 %)

1/10 (10 %)

  Subchondral bone exposed

1/10 (10 %)

3/10 (30 %)

2. Integration to border zone


7/10 (70 %)

4/10 (40 %)


  Demarcating border visible (split-like)

0/10 (0 %)

1/10 (10 %)

  Defect visible

   <50 % of the length of the repair tissue

1/10 (10 %)

2/10 (20 %)

   >50 % of the length of the repair tissue

2/10 (20 %)

3/10 (30 %)

3. Surface of the repair tissue

 Surface intact

5/10 (50 %)

5/10 (50 %)

 Surface damaged

  <50 % of repair tissue depth

2/10 (20 %)

2/10 (20 %)

  >50 % of repair tissue depth or total degeneration

3/10 (30 %)

3/10 (30 %)

4. Structure of the repair tissue


3/10 (30 %)

1/10 (10 %)

 Inhomogeneous or cleft formation

7/10 (70 %)

9/10 (90 %)

5. Signal intensity of the repair tissue

 Normal (identical to adjacent cartilage)

3/10 (30 %)

2/10 (20 %)

 Nearly normal

5/10 (50 %)

5/10 (50 %)


2/10 (20 %)

3/10 (30 %)

6. Subchondral lamina


2/10 20 %)

1/10 (10 %)

 Not intact

8/10 (80 %)

9/10 (90 %)

7. Subchondral bone


4/10 (40 %)

1/10 (10 %)

 Not intact

6/10 (60 %)

9/10 (90 %)

8. Adhesions


8/10 (80 %)

2/10 (20 %)


2/10 (20 %)

8/10 (80 %)

9. Effusions


8/10 (80 %)

6/10 (60 %)


2/10 (20 %)

4/10 (40 %)