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Official Journal of the Italian Society of Orthopaedics and Traumatology

Table 6 The Prolo Functional and Economic Outcome Rating Scale modified for postoperative cervical radiculopathy (Davis [60])

From: The Prolo Scale: history, evolution and psychometric properties



Economic status


Complete invalid


No gainful occupation, including ability to do housework, school or retirement activities


Ability to work, but not at previous occupation: able to perform housework, school and retirement activities


Working at previous occupation part-time or with limited status


Able to work at previous occupation with no restrictions

Functional (social) status


Total incapacity (worse than prior to operation)


Persistent neck and arm pain, persistent paresthesias, motor weakness same as prior to operation (able to perform tasks of daily living)


Moderate neck and arm pain, persistent paresthesias, minimal motor weakness


No neck or arm pain, persistent paresthesias in fingers, no motor weakness


No neck or arm pain, no paresthesias, no motor weakness, complete recovery, able to perform previous sports activities