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Official Journal of the Italian Society of Orthopaedics and Traumatology

Table 1 Inclusion and exclusion criteria

From: Lateralising reverse shoulder arthroplasty using bony increased offset (BIO-RSA) or increasing glenoid component diameter: comparison of clinical, radiographic and patient reported outcomes in a matched cohort



1. RSA using Delta Xtend* model

1. Deceased patients

2A. Regular RSA + size 42 glenosphere or 2B. BIO-RSA + size 38 glenosphere

2. Language barrier with regards to the researchers (speaking English, French, Italian, German, Dutch and Spanish)


3. No contact information


4. Bone graft used for glenoid bone loss or glenoid defects (instead of lateralisation)


5. Augmented or lateralised prosthesis designs


6. Preoperative nerve palsies or neurological defects

  1. BIO-RSA bony increased offset reverse shoulder arthroplasty, RSA reverse shoulder arthroplasty
  2. *Depuy Synthes, Warsaw, USA